Sunday, May 21, 2017

Senior Player Awards 2017

Friday night in the clubhouse was a rocking night with all four senior team squads gathered for the awards ceremony.

Needless to say it was not a quiet affair as the bar was packed full of hopefuls.

Sean Lee, Director of Rugby, thanked all the players for their efforts and said that getting around to see all teams play gave him a great sense of pride in the club and the commitment of all the coaches and players to their squads. 

Eugene Cadogan, President also thanked the players and coaches and wished them well for the summer and the season to come.

Up for grabs were Player of the Year and Most Inproved Player of the Year for the 1sts / 2nds / 3rds and 4ths.

4ths aka The Wildebeests 

Most Improved : Emmet Byrne

Player of the Year : Richie Withey


Most Improved : Stephen Hanley

Player of the Year : Damien Kelly


Most Improved : Stephen Kane

Player of the Year : Rob Kiersey

Overall Young Player of the Year: 

Andy McCabe


Most Improved : Brian Connolly 

Player of the Year : David Howard

President Eugene Cadogan with Sean Lee, Director of Rugby, Senior Player of the Year David Howard and Senior Squad Player/Coach Mark Whitehead.

Many thanks to Paul Sheehan Jewellers for his unfailing support for this event every year and the gift of a gents Tissot watch for the overall Senior Player of the Year  award.